Monday, May 4, 2015

Bobwhites Gilwell Gazette Articles

Day 2 (April 10, 2015)

After eons in Cub Scouting this morning, the Lion's Den stepped up before the bridge, single file. The members of the den nervously looked across the bridge as Daniel of old may have looked into the original lion's den. At the inquest of the Scoutmaster, the unified den replied, "We desire to be Boy Scouts." This may seem a strange desire for a bunch of middle age scouters, nevertheless our request was granted and we crossed over the bridge to become the Bobwhite Patrol of Wood Badge Troop #1. Bobwhite. The excited new patrol could hardly believe their good fortune. BOBWHITE! What an honor. The very animal favored by scouting's founder, Lord Baden Powell. Bobwhite. Bobwhite.

Day 3 (April 11, 2015)

Day 2 taught us many things - project planning, stages of team development, etc. However, one training from the day that hits home with our patrol (and every patrol) is diversity. We're a diverse group; however, we have many similarities. Similarities include:

  • Across the 7 of us (including our fearless Troop Guide, Chris Wheeler) we have 28 kids and 9 grandchildren.
  • We have 39 years of adult scouting experience among our patrol
Residing anywhere from West Jordan to Tooele and north to Farmington and locations between, we work in many different professions:

  • Global Logistics Manager
  • Medical Sales Representative
  • Payroll Clerk
  • Computer Designer
  • Software Knowledge Engineer
  • Recreation Manager
  • IT Applications Support Engineer
Our diversity is great, but our appreciation for Scouting is more impressive. Can you guess which Bobwhite is which???

Day 4 (April 16, 2015)

Today was a busy day for the Bobwhites. We started out finishing our duties as the Program Patrol with a flag ceremony at Gilwell Field. The program patrol horn was returned to Tracy in good condition, adorned with a fierce Bobwhite. We then assumed our responsibilities as kitchen patrol and caretakers of the wisk, working under the outstanding direction of the quartermaster patrol, helping clean up the kitchen and dining hall after a great cheeseburger lunch. We left no trace of that lunch! We were well instructed in many important scouting leadership principles, such as Outdoor Ethics (A.K.A. Leave No Trace), and the EDGE training method. And who will ever forget the great instruction on Conservation Project Planning by Bubba. After being treated to a private screening of "October Sky," it was time to part company with our fellow Woodbadge attendees to return home and prepare for the next three days of great Wood Badge training! See you all next week.

Day 5, (April 17, 2015)

Good morning y'all! Yesterday was cold outside. The snow was shoveled away. We were responsible for Latrine duty which means we were walking behind the Buffalo patrol picking up their...
Yesterday's activities included an excellent game put on by the visiting Venture crew. We learned games that reinforced the concept of problem solving. The crew failed to mention that BobWhites were the first to figure out the PVC pipe game. 

We were trained on how to lead change. We must accept change and adapt to it. Then we should have lifelong learning. The evening ended with an excellent campfire program including flag retirement.

Day 6, (April 18, 2015)

This is our final morning to our Wood Badge experience. By now "Back to Gilwell" is burning inside our hearts. We spent day 5 learning the difference between coaching and mentoring. At times we play both roles. The bottom line is just to listen and not be too quick to solve our patrols problems.

We all participated in the service project. It is great that we have such great resources and were able to utilize them to work together. Through the course of the week we have had great teaching and training from our staff - Hats off to them. Now it was our turn to take the training we have had and put together a presentation. Way to go Bobwhites for presenting the "Smith family" that every unit has. Mrs. Smith was key in offering to get involved in scouting - because we all know behind every good scout is a good mother. Mrs. Smith love your hair! We finished the day putting our tickets together and signing them off - whew!! As venture we were ready to experience the great outdoors. Boys and young men are hard wired for adventure. Adventure is out there - go get it.